1.11. 0:00 PM 12:00 – 1.11. 11:00 PM 23:00
Red Flag Warning issued October 31 at 3:25PM EDT until November 1 at 7:00PM EDT by NWS Albany NY * Affected Area...In Connecticut, Litchfield County. * Timing...From 8 AM to 7 PM EDT Friday. * Winds...West 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. * Relative Humidity...As low as 35 percent. * Temperatures...Up to 75 degrees. * Lightning...None. * Impacts...Any fire that develops will catch and spread quickly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination of strong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior.
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Höchstwerte & Tiefstwerte weltweit
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+37.7° 100°
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+32.6° 91°
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+22.5° 73°
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-10.8° 13°
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